Baseline Sheet

This webpage has been designed to get you started on your anger work.  Please read each question carefully and answer using word on your computer or write in a journal or on paper with a pen.  Keep these answers for you to refer back to in later classes.  Each question requires thoughtful reflection and time so do not rush through each one.  Ask other people in your life for help if you get stuck or are unsure of what the answer may be.  The idea here is to get a good idea of what your anger has been for you and how it has been experienced until this point in your life.  

You DO NOT need to submit these answers to Dr. McGinnis!

Please note that I am mandated to report content related to child abuse, elder abuse, or abuse/neglect toward a person who cannot defend themselves to local authorities.  This includes abuse that may have occurred when you were a child! If you report that you are suicidal or going to seriously hurt another person I must report that content as well!  DO NOT INCLUDE THIS INFORMATION IN THESE WORKSHEETS OR EMAIL TO ME!!!  You can talk about the anger without specifics and then seek counseling with a licensed clinical professional counselor to address that content.  

1. What is your earliest anger memory?

Write at least three sentences about your earliest anger memory (when you were angry).  When did this happen? How old were you?  What do you recall about the circumstances now?  Does your reaction at that time seem reasonable now?  Why or why not?  Is there an early anger memory of someone else being angry?  How is that different or the same as your early angering?

2. How does your angering compare with others in your family?

Looking back over your life thus far, how similar or different has your angering been to others in your family?  Do you have friends who anger the same way you do?  How so?  How not? Describe the similarities and differences.  Do you get angry about things that others shrug off?  Does your anger get "hot" faster?  Do you find it more difficult to "let go" of your anger than others in your life?  What makes your anger unique?  What makes it particularly problematic?

3. How is anger the problem now?

You are taking this course for a reason.  How has anger been a part of "the problem"?  What role does your anger take in your story thus far?  If you could describe your anger what words would you use?  How do other people in your life describe your anger?  More details here will help you to get a solid starting for change.

4. How would you like to anger?

At the end of these classes - where do you want to be with your anger?  Do you have an anger role model?  Is there a person in your life, in film, or in a book or story who angers the way you would like to emulate?  What changes would you need to make to "be" that person when you are angry?  What guesses do you have now that could be helpful to challenge along the way?

5. What did you learn?

Read over your answers to these questions and write a few sentences on what you think about this information.  How serious is your anger issue?  How long have you been dealing with anger that may not be working as well as your would like?  What do you think now as you consider these small pieces of your anger story?

Course #1 Quiz

After you have completed the Functional Anger Inventory (FAI) survey, read chapter 1 of your workbook, reviewed the Dr. McGinnis introduction video, and answered the 5 questions on this webpage you will be ready to take the Course #1 Quiz.  You must complete this quiz with an 80% or higher score to pass the course.