Welcome to Anger Classes 101

This site is available to you as a paying Anger Works customer.  Our hope is that this coursework will assist you in learning more about your anger and helping you to explore a new way to express anger effectively in your life.  Please take your time in reviewing these webpages that have been designed for you to work through your anger and help you to practice new choices that will become your new habit when provoked by injustice.

Please keep in mind that it is always best to work with a licensed clinical professional counselor when you have issues that are interfering with your best life. If possible, please consider working with a counselor now - or at ANY TIME IN THIS PROCESS - to help you to address content that is likely to come up as your work through these classes.  Counseling is built on trust in a unique relationship and this coursework will fall short of a comprehensive understanding of what is going on in your life!

Course #1: Determining Your Baseline

Hello!  Welcome to this course. 

I am Dr. Carol ZA McGinnis PhD, SIP, BC-TMH, NCC, LCPC and I will be providing you with videos that hope to guide you through the materials on this website. I will be reviewing your work and quiz results as your progress through this coursework and hope that you will find the experience helpful. 

This first course will help you to explore where you are now in your anger so we will have a baseline to measure your progress along the way.  Please take a moment to review this video that has been designed to help you begin this journey. 

You will be able to communicate directly with me by email (please add "Anger Works" in the subject line).  To start with this process please email your first and last name, your mailing address, and your "nickname"that you can use when taking the FAI test (see below)to me at: cmcginnis@messiah.edu


Your first step is to complete a brief assessment of your anger.  Please take the online Functional Anger Inventory (FAI)Test to determine how well your anger is working for you.  Remember your "nickname" when you complete this test and let Dr. McGinnis know what that name was when you submit your introduction email to me (see above).

After you have completed this work, your second step will be to READ Chapter 1 of the "Leashing Your Anger Beast" workbook.  This workbook has been designed to help you to begin thinking about your anger differently.

The third step will be to take some time to reflect on your anger.   Please answer all of the questions on the Baseline Sheet and keep them for you to review later.

At the bottom of the Baseline Sheet webpage is the quiz for course #1.  You can retake this quiz as many times as you need to obtain the required 80% passing score.